
Book news

Book news — new novel in the works!

In Fall of 2022, I started drafting a new novel about an adoptee who visits her home country of Guatemala to meet her birth family for the first time. With ten chapters and an outline, my agent submitted the book, and by December we had a handshake agreement.

Now it’s official! Neal Porter Books will release SUNCHILD in fall 2024. I’ve just finished the first draft, and it’s on my editor’s desk. (which always makes me nervous! will she like it?)

Next steps: Editor Taylor will analyze the whole book — characters, themes, and wording — and send me feedback. After a couple of rounds of editing, we can move on to copyediting, proofreading, and cover design. Hopefully, we’ll have a new book on the shelves in Fall 2024!

(banner photo is Arco Santa Cristina in Antigua, Guatemala)

Book Reviews, Uncategorized, Writing Life

I interviewed Anika Fajardo!

Today is release day for Anika Fajardo’s MEET ME HALFWAY, a romp of a book that will entertain and inspire. I mean it! Check out my interview with Anika here:

I wanted to write a book that made readers feel like they’re on their own adventure. I also want kids to see that families can be lots of different things and that we can’t always know what’s going to happen when we first meet people.

–Anika Fajardo